Marie-Caroline KFOURY, soprano
Workshop in singing
Discover you own voice !
Marie-Caroline Kfoury offers regular workshop in singing to members of amateurs choirs who wish to improve their singing technique and extend their power of vocal expression.
Workshops take place over a weekend and can be organised for groupwork or on an individual basis.
The importance of using the whole body as well as the vocal vocal cords is explained :
-recognising one's centre of gravity based on Qi Gong movements.
-breath control to produce a smooth and flexible sound.
-training in precise movements of the tongue and lips for articulation in order to obtain a "legato" sound.
-relaxing the back of the tongue to develop the full timbre and the richness of your voice.
-recognising appropriate use of the jaw to achieve a legato sound and produce high notes with ease.
-using effective posture, eye-contact et al. to create a presence on stage.